Senior Team Wins Quarter Final!
M4 Winter League News: Our 8 head strong men's senior team flies from success to success. Today they brushed the West Middlesex team 4:0...
White Tees Out!
This year, due to the exceptional nature of the weather, white tees have been spotted mid March, as early as never before. Astonishingly,...
News & Events 2018-03-02
Look at this! We can now add a link to newsletters in a blog post. Click on the image!
Southbucks Golf Course Thawing up!
A quick walk on some holes reveals: the snow is melting at a rate of an inch per 3 hours. Basically all is clear but areas where the wind...
New Southbucks Golf Club Website Live!
Finally I've got 3 of 4 ingredients for the new website at hand: 1. A little time (only a question of setting priorities) 2. Motivation...